About Us
NiRu’s Fashion, was born with a Vision of making Fashion "Affordable", "Convenient" and "Available". We are a brand focussed on the quintessential "Saree", a dress that has been historically thought to be a time consuming and costly dress to have in one's wardrobe.
Ruchita, the founder of NiRu's Fashion, faced the same issues that millions of South Asian women faced when they moved to Canada. The limited availability of latest designs, high costs and additional charges to make a Saree wearable when bought from a retail store, led Ruchita to many online stores and marketplaces. But the online stores were most often providing pre-order for Sarees at a high cost.
Ruchita decided-"This needs to change". She set a mission for NiRus Fashion " A Saree in every women's wardrobe in Canada".
With this NiRu's Fashion that started in December 2022 is Canada's Largest retailer of Readymade Sarees. All the inventory is available in Canada we provide delivery from Canada. We have exclusive relations with our manufactures and Exporters and hence pass on the savings to our lovely customers.
OK, but what is all this hype about readymade Sarees?
An ultimate time saver during parties, events and festivals. You can drape a complete saree in under 1 minute and stand distinctively in a crowd